Modify Rates

Room Rates are the charge for a room at your Property, and are generally assessed daily. When a reservation is generated at your Property, a Rate will be attached to the stay. Rate Plans Types, sometimes known as Tariffs, are used to categorize your rate structure.  For example, some of the more commonly used Rate Types are RACK, CORP, GOVT, and DISC. You will always have a Rate Plan Type that is your Base Rate (usually your RACK Rate), and the rest of your Rate Plans will be calculated using this.

Rates may be selected as part of the Reservation process, or modified after a stay has been generated, using the Rate Definition screen.

The Modify Rates command icon (Modify Rates button (Dollar Bill)) in the local tool bar of a Stay information screen allows you to modify the guest's room rates directly, without having to go into the Reservation Wizard, This button in the local tool bar of the Folio screen opens the Rate Definition screen directly, which shows all folios associated with the stay and the rates assigned to each room for each folio, and where you can modify the rates as applicable.

(Note: Often, Properties have a Group Block Rate. Yours may be one of these. However, if you do not, or you have a specially negotiated rate for a Group, once the Group Block has been created you can still use the Modify Rates icon to change it if necessary. With a Group booking you can enter "custom rates" which allow you to define a rate by occupancy (single/double/triple/quad) for a specific group, or by each room type associated with that group.  See Modify Rates - Groups for more details).




Main Folio screen for modify folio example

Click the Modify Rates icon (Modify Rates button (Dollar Bill)) in the local tool bar of the Folio screen to open the Rate Definition screen.

Rate Definition screen for specified folio

This screen will display the rates by day, based on the room type selected. The rates can be modified by day, or enter a rate in the Set All column and click Set to update all days with that rate.

Set the Rates for the Date Range: The Date range specified here will be as previously selected, and will be displayed in the grid below. You can change it here if desired.

If the Rate is different between nights, the rate can also be set per night, per Room Type.

Enter the appropriate rate by room number, then click the Set button for each Folio/Room/Date where you made changes.

When finished, click Stay Screen at the top of the Rate Definition screen to return to the Stay Information for the guest.

Folio screen after rate modified with new projected balance highlighted

The Rate modification you have just performed will be reflected in the (changed) projected balance total.

You may also see the modified rate displayed on the Nights tab, where the rate is displayed for each room, each night.

Nights tab showing modified rate


Note: If you are modifying the Rates for a Stay that has multiple folios associated with it, you can choose the amount each guest folio will be charged and enter it into the relevant fields (for example, perhaps one guest will be paying for the first night and another guest for a second night, or one guest is only going to pay the additional occupancy charge).

Rate Definition screen for Shared Folios

You may also choose to share the Rate equally amongst specified folios by using the Share Rate Definition section at the bottom of the Rate Definition screen.

Use the checkboxes located to the left of each Folio listed to select or de-select folios for application of the rate.

Share Rate Definition section of screen

Enter the Rate to be shared in the field, then click the orange button for the desired action - either "Set Rate for All Selected Folios" (which will set the Rate for each Folio as what you entered in the field) or "Split Rate by # of Selected Folios" (which will divide the Rate you entered in the field by the number of Folios).

For example: You enter 260.00 in the Rate field. Choosing the "Set Rate for all Selected Folios" button will mean EACH selected folio will be charged $260.00 for each night of the stay, whereas choosing the "Split Rate by # of Selected Folios" button will mean the two selected folios will each be charged $130.00.

Again, when finished, click Stay Screen at the top of the Rate Definition screen to return to the Stay Information for the guest.


Date Updated February 04, 2021